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  - North American Chorus Association 北美合唱协会
  - Yellow River Art Society 黄河艺术团
  - All Connecticut Chinese Chorus 康州中华联谊合唱团
  - Newton Chinese Language School 牛顿中文学校
International Choir Festival of Tuscany
May 21 - 25, 2024
Bridge to Harmony Concert
A Fusion of Chinese and Western Folk Song
John Wesley United Methodist Church, Falmouth, MA
May 4, 2024
演出视频    The Story
2024 CNY Performance
NewBridge on the Charles, Feb. 11, 2024
《茉莉花》  《好日子》   《葡萄园夜曲》  《苏武牧羊》
《I Believe》  《You Raise Me Up》   《思念》
Regis College, 1/27/2023
演出录像 《思念》 《好日子》
乡恋:华夏经典金曲歌舞晚会 WeStar 2023 Fall Concert
Cary Memorial Hall, Lexington, MA, Oct. 29, 2023
演出录像 《思念》 《难忘今霄》
十三届波士顿亚美节 The 13th Asian American Day Festival
Boston Common, September 9, 2023
国歌  演出录像  心心相融
2023 东方夏游 BEHC Summer Outing
White River Junction, August 4 - 6, 2023
美篇《东方之声2023夏游集锦》   联欢录像   影集
中英文混声合唱《给力》You Raise Me Up
April 8, 2023, Cary Hall, Lexington
美篇《从东方到互联》   演出录像
2023 东方春节联欢晚会
牛顿中文学校, 1/22/2023
Regis College, 1/14/2023
收藏版录像    贺岁版录像
东方之声合唱团新年恭贺幸福之声合唱团录像    幸福之声合唱团新年祝贺东方之声合唱团录像
《给力》 -  话剧《互联》主题曲
November 19, 2022, Umass Boston
多角度版录像    单角度版录像
2022 Asian American Day Festival  波士顿亚美节
September 10, 2022
Performance Video 演出录像
2022 CNY Party  东方虎年联欢晚会
2/12/2022 联欢会部分节目链接

2021 BEHC Cloud Singing  东方云合唱

演唱录音合成   演唱视频合成

BEHC Outing, Arnold Arboretum, 6/5/2021

女声合唱《绒花》   男声合唱《飘落》


Youtube      Original Version    优酷


Feb 19, 2021





2020 Chinese New Year Celebrations

January 18, 2020, Weston/Lexington, MA



牛顿中文学校春晚录像      波士顿京津春晚录像      波士顿京津春晚照片


2019 BEHC Summer Outing

June 22 - 24, Kingston, New York



小年糕影集(牛慧锋)  照片集锦(李光华)  晚会录像(李光华) 照片集锦(陆明






2018 Budapest Music Festival

June 28 - June 30 2018, Budapest, Hungary


 动人的歌声, 难忘的旅程 - 东方之声合唱团唱响布达佩斯 !





(Junpei)  影集1  影集2  影集3

 (Suqin)  短片


Celebrating 10th Anniversary of North America Chorus Association (NACA)

Chinese and Western Classical Music Concert




June 8, 2018


演唱录像 半个月亮爬上来 青春舞曲 花儿与少年 瑶山夜歌



NCLS 2018 Chinese New Year Gala

Feb 3, 2018


BEHC Performance of Scarborough Fair and 花儿与少年


BEHC at Fundy Sound Choral Festival


Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

June 27 - July 1 2016






Great Success and Lots of Fun! Congratulations to BEHC!


2015波士顿千人黄河大合唱 创造历史!


10月11日晚7:30,波士顿大学体育馆 Boston University Agganis Arena



2014 NACA 7th Anniversary Celebration Concert

November 15, 2014


表演录像  橄榄树   牵手   表演录音   橄榄树   牵手







海口表演录像 2013年12月12日

游子情思 青春舞曲 Coulter's Candy 葡萄园夜曲 Seal Lullaby Those Were The Days 永远的邀请


海口音乐会完整录像 2013年12月12日



台北表演录像 2013年12月15日

游子情思 Coulter's Candy 远方的大雁 葡萄园夜曲 Seal Lullaby 牧歌 Those Were The Days 望春风




BEHC Won Gold Prize 东方之声合唱团荣获金奖 !


金奖表演录像   葡萄园夜曲   牧歌

金奖表演录音   葡萄园夜曲   牧歌


2013年1月11日, 旧金山广播节目《中美连线》采访音乐指导郭凌 

请听访谈录音  Part 1    Part 2


2012 World Choral Festival of Adults and Seniors

Dec 3 - 5, 2012, Vienna, Austria





NCLS 2012 Chinese New Year Celebration

Feb 11, 2012  Newton North High School


BEHC Performance Video of 菊花台 and 香格里拉


2011 Serenade! Washington DC Choral Festival

June 23 - 27, 2011


 歌声悠扬,友好交流 By Zhang, Nan

A Team, a Family, What’s Next? By Guan, Yi

合唱节之旅轶事 By Li, ZuoZhou and Jian, ShenWei


Watch our performance: 茉莉花 远方的客人 半个月亮 梁祝 大海故乡 瑶山夜歌

Listen to our performance: 茉莉花 远方的客人 半个月亮 梁祝 大海故乡 瑶山夜歌


Slideshow image



Ivy League Spring Festival Gala 1/29, 2011


Listen to our performance








The 2010 Greater Boston Community Choral Festival




Watch our performance on Youtube: 茉莉花 遥远的小渔村 赶牲灵 Sing the World Together



June 12, 2010  Harvard University Sanders Theater



Mondial Choral Loto-Québec 2009

July 8 - 12, 2009     Laval, Québec, Canada


东方之声 技艺精湛 一金两银 凯旋归来


BEHC, together with other NACA choruses, have won one gold award ( Laureate - Super-Category Adult female choir ) and two silver awards ( Laureate Second Place - Super-Category Major mixed voice choir and Laureate Second Place - Super-Category Multicultural choir) in 2009 World Choral Competition


Slideshow image


Listen to our performance

 半个月亮  草原恋   大青藏
 牧歌  等你到天明  美丽的地方
 茉莉花  小白菜  花大姐


Our love of music and thirst for culture, community, travel and discovery are stronger than ever.




   The Boston Eastern Heritage Chorus (BEHC) was established in 2000 by a group of choral music activists. BEHC is now a 50-member chorus with a diverse membership drawn from gifted vocalists from all walks of life. 


   Our mission is to showcase Chinese culture and choral arts, promote Chinese-Western cultural exchange, develop broader public knowledge and appreciation of fine Chinese and American vocal arts, all in the spirit of fun, cooperation and harmony.


   Under the inspiring leadership of Music Director Qiao Wanjun, an internationally acclaimed musical artist and organizer, BEHC has performed frequently in concerts and charity activities in greater Boston area. BEHC has also attended several international festivals and competitions, including 2002's The 6th China International Choral Festival, 2004's The 4th Idaho International Choral Festival, 2005's Mondial Choral de Laval - Festival international de choeurs, and 2008's Vermont International Choral Festival. In 2006, Competing in the The 4th World Choir Games in China with 400 choirs from over 80 countries, BEHC took home a Silver award in mixed choir competition and a Bronze award in scenic folklore competition.


   波士顿东方之声合唱团, 又名牛顿中文学校合唱团, 扎根于牛顿中文学校. 大部分团员都是中文学校的家长或学生. 东方之声合唱团由几位中文学校合唱爱好者创建于2000年秋. 自成立以来,在著名指挥兼艺术指导乔万钧先生的指导下,东方之声合唱团很快成为一支声誉卓著的社区合唱团.




   在过去的8年内,东方之声合唱团参加了众多的新英格兰地区音乐会和慈善演出, 还多次应邀参加国际合唱节及合唱大赛. 2006年7月,第四届世界合唱奥林匹克盛会在中国厦门举行。波士顿东方之声合唱团在由来自80多个国家400多个合唱团的强劲对手们面前,脱颖而出,勇夺混声组和民谣组两项大奖.





Recent Events


2018 Budapest Music Festival (Haiying)

Budapest, Hungary

June 28 - 30, 2018


Photo Album (Jimmy)

2018 Budapest Music Festival

June 28 - 30, 2018


NACA 10th Anniversary Celebration Concert

St Brigid Church, Lexington, MA

June 8, 2018

NCLS 2018 Chinese New Year Gala

Boston, MA, Feb 3, 2018

2017 BEHC Summer Outing

Albany, NY, June 24 - 25, 2017

2015 BEHC 15th Anniversary Celebration Outing

Springfield, MA, June 27, 2015

Dec 2013 Hainan Taiwan Tour

Dec 8 - 16, 2013

2012 World Choral Festival of Adults and Seniors

Dec 2012, Vienna

2011 NACA Christmas Concert

Dec 3, 2011

2011 Serenade! Washington DC Choral Festival

June 23 - 27, 2011

DC Team Celebration Party

July 3, 2011

2009 世界合唱比赛

World Choral Competition 

Laval, Quebec, Jul 8-12, 2009

 The Happy Party  快乐的聚会

Listen to our performance Mule Porter and Blue Danube

12/20/2008, Kresge Auditorium, MIT

2008 Vermont International Choral Festival

Stowe, Vermont, 6/13 - 6/15, 2008

Seminar 合唱专题讲座

How to become a qualified choral singer

Dir Qiao covered music theory, choral skill and training methods. 乔万钧指挥深入浅出并以实例演示声乐理论及发声技巧,听众反响热烈!

April 19, 2008 at CCCC


Warm China 2008 Benefit Concert

Regis College, Weston, MA

Saturday, March 8, 2008


2008 Chinese New Year

Listen to the audio of our performance "The Blue Danube"

Regis College, Weston, MA
Saturday, 2/17/2008
- Thanksgiving Celebration -


BEHC hosts NCLS Thanksgiving party on Sat., 12/1/2007, 7:30 PM, Newton ACAS Center, Woburn, MA

Boston Eastern Heritage Chorus, Copyright © 2000~2021. All Rights Reserved.