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波士頓東方之聲 摘三大獎

記者李靜雯波士頓報導 July 25, 2009 12:00 AM










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Andover Townsman July 9, 2009

Eight from Andover in Quebec World Choral Festival

Seven singers and a gifted pianist from Andover are joining with more than 65 singers from throughout greater Boston area to perform this week under the banner of the Boston Eastern Heritage Chorus in the 5th annual Loto-Quebec World Choral Festival in Montreal, Canada.

The festival, running July 8 to 12, is called the largest gathering of national and international choirs in all of North America.

Competing in three musical categories with more than 100 other choruses from around the world, Andover performers with the BEHC include pianist Guo Ling and singers Wenjun Chen, Doreen Jiang, Xiaomon Shao, Tsouya Yang, Yu Li, Jim Sun and Charlie Wang.

Under the leadership of music director and conductor Wanjun Qiao of Medford and accompanied by Ling, the BEHC one of only three choruses from the United States will perform in three categories of competition all today, Thursday, July 9.

Under festival rules, only amateur choirs are allowed to participate and they must sing "a capella," without instruments, or be accompanied only by a single musical instrument without a sound system. All songs must be performed in the original language in which they were composed.

Veterans of many international competitions of both "amateur" and "professional" choruses since its founding in 2000, the BEHC consists completely of "amateur" vocalists from many walks of life: doctors, teachers, writers, bankers, scientists, engineers, and more who join together to blend their voices and share their love of music, members wrote in a release.

Despite their amateur status, they have won several honors and awards in various world choir competitions. During the past nine years, the BEHC has made more than 30 classical and contemporary choral presentations in venues such as Jordan Hall and John Hancock Hall in Boston, Yale University's Woolsey Hall in New Haven, Conn., MIT's Kresge Auditorium in Cambridge, and in choral competitions Pocatello, Idaho, Montreal, Canada, and Beijing, China.





BEHC On Stage at 2009 World Choral Competition, Laval, Quebec, July 9

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Community Advocate  July 3, 2009

Local residents to participate in world choral festival

By Genevieve Jinson, Contributing Writer

Region - Three Shrewsbury residents, two Northborough residents and one Westborough resident will join more than 65 other New Englanders to compete in the Loto-Quebec World Choral Festival in Montreal, Canada, July 8 through 12, under the banner of the Boston Eastern Heritage Chorus (BEHC).

¡°No one [in the group] is a professional singer,¡± said Ming Lu, an IT manager from Shrewsbury and BEHC singer.

In fact, the BEHC is made up of all amateur singers who hold full-time jobs and balance their day-to-day lives with their love of singing.

The singers of the BEHC are primarily natives of China. The singers said that through their singing, they are able to promote the Chinese heritage.

¡°Singing is something that we grew up with in China, and loved,¡± said Yunshen Zhou, a computer programmer from Shrewsbury, ¡°and now we want to share that with others.¡±

The BEHC performed at the first Annual Loto-Quebec World Choral Festival in 2005. Sining Fang, of Sudbury, a computer engineer and the BEHC leader, said the group really enjoyed themselves at the first festival.

¡°It was fun ¡­ and the audience was fantastic,¡± he said.
This year, on Thursday July 9, the BEHC will compete in three categories at the festival: Multicultural Choir, Adult Female Choir and Major Mixed Voice Choir, the principal category for the group. The group¡¯s performances will be sung in Mandarin Chinese.

In recent weeks, the BEHC has been practicing for the festival at least two times per week, with practices being held on weekends and weeknights, with rehearsals lasting up to four hours.

¡°It¡¯s quite a commitment,¡± Fang said.

Group members are practicing individually as well. Lu and his wife, Mingpei Zhang, a pharmacy technician, practice in their cars or whenever they have free time. Zhang said she wakes up at 5 a.m. to practice singing, which works better than later in the day.

¡°When I get home from work, I have housework to do and I am very tired,¡± she said.

Singing to be something that Lu and Zhang have always enjoyed. At parties, Lu said, he uses his karaoke machine to sing with friends.

Zhang said the competition isn¡¯t about winning. It¡¯s an opportunity to learn and make new friends.

¡°The way I look at it, I enjoy the entire process,¡± Zhang said. ¡°Even if we don¡¯t win, I have a great time singing.¡±

The BEHC began nearly 10 years ago at the Newton Chinese School as an activity for parents on Sunday afternoons to pass the time while their children were in classes.

¡°It was something for the parents to get involved with,¡± Zhou said.

The group first competed in the sixth China International Choral Festival in 2002 and has been competing ever since. The BEHC has also competed in a variety of venues including: John Hancock Hall in Boston, Woolsey Hall at Yale University and Kresge Auditorium at MIT.

The BEHC¡¯s conductor and music director is Wanjun Qiao of Medford, and their pianist is Guo Ling of Andover.









波士頓新聞  September 10, 2008

東方合唱團 喬治島逍遙遊




  牛頓中文學校新任董事長孫京和校長李屏都是該合唱團骨幹,也參與了這次郊遊的組織策劃。 夏末陽光燦爛,海風吹拂,很多團員攜全家老少一同前來遊玩。老人們散步曬太陽,孩子們盡情嬉戲,成人男女混合排球賽鏖戰激烈,喬治島上充滿歡聲笑語。(朱偉憶)



100 singers, one voice

Vermont International Choral Festival This Weekend



On Saturday, Robert De Cormier will conduct the fifth annual Vermont International Choral Festival in Burlington.


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Times Argus  June 13, 2008


By Mary Gow Arts Correspondent

   "Bella Bimba" is an Italian folk song; the children's ditty, "Coulter's Candy," about a popular sweet, came from Scotland. "Ahrirang," a traditional Korean song, tells about a hill outside of Seoul, a place of contentment and triumph. "The Whistling Gypsy" is an Irish ballad.

   Saturday evening, more than 100 singers will raise their voices together to sing these and other international songs in a massed choir program of "Music of the Immigrants." These singers, members of choruses from four states, will be led by renowned Vermont conductor and arranger Robert De Cormier. The concert is the centerpiece of the Vermont International Choral Festival.

   Now in its fifth season, this weekend of choral concerts and visiting choirs is an established event in Vermont's season of music festivals ¨C fitting in amongst the opera, jazz, Mozart and other summer delights.









波士頓新聞  May 27, 2008


波城賑災義演 募得逾15萬元



   與會的麻省理工學院副校長柯隆布蘭德(Kiek D. Kolenbrander)表示,MIT免費提供演出場地,也希望該校建築系、機械系、電機工程系及工商管理系的師生們,日後能發揮專長,協助災後建。










波士頓新聞  March 11, 2008


賑助中國雪災 義演送暖

多個藝術團體熱情演出 波城僑胞踴躍捐輸 募得1萬6000元善款






波士頓新聞  Jan. 22, 2008

李照原 高歌奪冠 懷舊經典金曲賽 近五百人盡興而歸


該大賽不僅吸引近五百人到場助陣,昆市新任市長科克(ThomasP. Koch)、代表麻州的國會眾議員戴拉漢(William Delahunt),以及麻州州務卿蓋文(William Galvin)的代表也分別出席。

A Classy Evening at Westford   Nov. 17, 2007

Westford Eagle - Thurs Nov 15, 2007, 05:19 PM EST

Hemispheres in harmony at concert

By Margaret Smith

   Classical sounds from east and west come together this weekend at a concert joining two musical worlds ¨C and two benefit causes. ¡®A Classy Evening of Music from Two Lands¡¯ will feature the Boston Eastern Heritage Chorus, which specializes in traditional Chinese music, with the Xi Yang Yang Ensemble, and concert pianist Leslie Hitelman.



北美女人 - 发表于 2007-11-30 09:30 PM



   11月17日伴着月色的降临. 一阵阵优美悦耳的中国民乐合奏曲在麻洲北部Westford First Parish 教堂响起. 这是一次为援助朱令主办的专场音乐会. 十二年过去了, 朱令和她的家人承受着常人难以想象的精神和肉体痛苦. 付担着巨大的医疗费用. 人们并没有忘记这个惨遭不幸的女孩.尤其是朱令的校友通过各种渠道方式一直关心帮助着朱令. 杨玲是今天这场音乐会主要发起人. 她曾经和朱令在清华大学同一民乐队同台演出. 如今是波土顿喜洋洋乐队的指挥兼二胡主领. “用自己的琴声为病中的朱令举办一场音乐会” 这个想法早在今年春就开始在她心中萌发.

2006年7月   第四届世界合唱奥林匹克 - 中国厦门


厦门日报 - 2006年07月25日12:35

波士顿东方之声合唱团 精彩换装像“变脸”一样

海鹰 陈冬

   美国波士顿东方之声合唱团由61位合唱爱好者组成,其中60位是美籍华人。他们带着对故乡的眷恋之情用心歌唱,以《兰花花》、《跑马溜溜的山上》、《故乡之恋》等曲目参加了“混声合唱”组别的比赛,在台上演唱藏族民歌《故乡之恋》时,很多团员都激动地流泪了。东方之声合唱团指挥乔万均介绍说,这是该团第四次参加国际性的合唱大赛,波士顿的多家报纸对此相继进行了报道,还开辟了《相约厦门》的专栏。 赛场上,选手们像“变脸”一样在场上巧妙地更换着服装,一会儿是“兰花花”的造型,一会儿又变成了鲜艳的红条纹服饰。合唱团成员告诉记者,在美国要设计制作中国民族风格的服装可不是一件容易的事,“我们花了很多时间到各个布店去找合适的布料,然后自己动手缝制。”   史帝文斯先生是该团惟一的地道美国人,唱起中文歌来却一点也不含糊,原来,他是位“中国女婿”,还和太太在北京住了几年呢。

Idaho States Journal

Idaho International Choral Festival ends on high note

By Joy S. Morrison - Journal Community Editor

   POCATELLO - Call it unbelievable!

   Some 350 singers of all ages representing eight nations came together on the stage of the Holt Arena Saturday in what businessman Arlo Luke called "a miracle of international friendship."

   This on-stage appearance of all the participants was the concluding number of the Gala Concert of the fourth Idaho International Choral Festival. William "Bill" Wiench, ISU coordinator, estimated there were about 3,000 in the audience, by far the largest crowd to attend this concert since the festival started in 1998. He also said there were 400 people at a concert on the ISU Quad given by Moscow Nights and Golden Girls and the Taipei Philharmonic Youth Choir. The festival is planned every two years.  Read More...

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